Do you remember when we read the letters asking for advice? This type of letter and advice (Agony Aunt) in magazines is very common.
Here are two examples from magazines which are very popular among teenage girls in the United States.
The first example is from Seventeen Magazine. My older sister used to get this magazine mailed to our home every month via subscription.
Amanda, age 17, has a problem with Boys in her highschool noticing her. Jess Weiner, an author and contribuiting writer for the magazine, gives her advice.
In the magazine Teen Vogue, a teenage girl who signed her letter Sick of Being Nice has a similiar problem.
Rachel Simmons gives her advice as part of her advice column, Ask Rachel.
Check your comprehension:
After reading these letters, can you identify what their problems are exactly? Can you summarize the advice given by each expert?
Reflect and share:
Have you ever experienced feeling like this?
Do you think that this is a common problem in the University? What advice would you give a friend with this problem?
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