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Friday, December 11, 2009

Today is Friday - Uglyduck student made movie!

It's been a week since my last entry here, sharing with you some new technology about implementing SLIDECASTS in your e-portfolio.

I have some news that I am very excited about! Hector from the 1 o'clock class finally was successful in uploading his short film "Uglyduck" to Youtube!

Beca and J. Andres also made a short film using hand puppets to retell a classic story in English. We are still waiting for them to present it on their blogger and archive it on the internet!

I think it's great that students are interesting in making and editing short, digital films. Having them posted on your blog is just one more way to tell your English Learning Story!

Uglyduck. Thank you, Hector! Have a great weekend and happy Virgen de Guadalupe day.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Present Perfect and Past Simple 2

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
When making my first slidecast, I didn't prepare a script and tried to improvise the words I spoke during the voice recording. 6 minutes is a long time to speak without making any mistakes or taking any pauses, even for me!

When I recorded this slidecast, I had already previously written down everything that I wanted to say.

Here is the script that I used, and I followd it pretty closely.
---Script for SLIDECAST - PRESENT PERFECT AND PAST SIMPLE 2 --- Adapted Script by EDF@UNPA, 3-Dic-09, Original presentation slides by GRH@UNPA, date unknown

Thank you for listening to our English slidecast. This slidecast is presented by the University of Papaloapan English Department, campus Loma Bonita in Oaxaca Mexico

Today's slidecast is a continuation of last week's. This slidecast is called


What is the present perfect and how is it different from the past simple?
To put it very simply,
The Present Perfect tells us about the past and the present.

In this cartoon we can see that.
United have won the Cup, so it’s theirs now, in the present.

The other team, although sad today, won the cup last year,
The Past Simple tells us about the past, a time which is finished. The other team won last year. This year they lost against United. Last year is in the past. This year they are the losers and United are the winners. This year United have won the cup.

We use the Past Simple (not the Present Perfect) to talk about times in the past such as yesterday, last week,
in 1994, a hundred years ago. A long time ago, etc.
Compare these examples.
We watched United last week. We don't say We have watched United last week.
Which words are talking about the past? -pause- That's right “last week”. So that's why past simple is the correct way of saying this.

Here's another example.
Long ago dinosaurs lived here. NOT Long ago dinosaurs have lived here.
Again, LONG AGO tells us about a time in the past, so we should use Past Simple instead of Present Perfect.

Look at the following examples
Emma has packed her case.(This is to say that her things are in the case now.)

Or this example:
The plane has just landed.
(The plane is no longer flying, Now, it is on the ground.)

And another:
I have just eaten a sandwich
(This communicates many ideas, 1) I ate a sandwich at some recent time in the past, 2) Now, I am not very hungry as I was before I ate the sandwich)

We often give a piece of news in the Present Perfect.
In this example, Andres shares the news of their new purchase with Felipe: “We’ve bought a new car.” (This means that The car is theirs now.)
Then we can use the Past Simple, to give more details such as when and where it happened. In the example, after Felipe asks “What Sort?”, Rebeca says specifically when they bought their Ferarri by saying, “We bought it last week.”

Structures with for, since and last
When using the PRESENT PERFECT,
We can say that something hasn’t happened for a long time or since a specific time in the past.

For example,
We haven’t had a party for ages.
We haven’t had a party since Christmas.
In general, For is used to talk about an amount or duration of time
and Since is used for a specific time in the past.

When using the PAST SIMPLE
We can say that it is a long time since something happened or when was the last time it happened.
Here are some examples.
It’s ages since we last had a party.
Christmas was the last time we had a party

Thank you for listening to this English Slidecast brought to you by the University of Papaloapan. We hope you enjoyed it and now understand better the differences between Present Perfect and Past simple.

To learn more about our University, please visit www dot UNPA dot MX dot EDU, that's www dot U N P A dot M X for Mexico dot E D U

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Present Perfect And The Simple Past

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

This was an experiment making my first slidecast! I think it turned out pretty well!

Teacher Gill gave me the presentation. I uploaded it to my slideshare account. Next I recorded my voice into an mp3. I then uploaded the audio file to I copied the link to my Bloc de Notas.

Adding an mp3 file and syncing it the Presentation was very easy and only took a few minutes. It adds a nice personal touch and added voice to any presentation.

I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Juan Erick´s presentation and imbeding youtube clips in your presentations

Today I learned how to embed youtube videos into presentations.

Juan Erick sent me his HeavyMetal music presentation via gmail. After uploading it to my slideshare account (also gringocometacos), I saw the option for inserting youtube videos between slides.

I followed the link to embed video and it's very easy. First you need the URL of the video you wish to insert. I performed a search for the three videos he showed during his presentation in class.

The System of the Down video he showed in class was not available due to copyright restrictions but I found the same song in a mp3 version (without video) and chose that one to insert after the SoAD slides.

Next I had to find the Rammstein video. I found the same video which he showed in class right away. I just copied and pasted the URL of the video, clicked to show it after slide number 11 and it was ready.

The third and final video was the most complicated. I copied and pasted the youtube URL of the video but it didn't work because the youtube video had the embed option disabled. That option is set by the person who submits the video so it cannot be bypassed.

Make sure to check if the video has the embed option enabled on the youtube site or it may not work. The only version of the song available for embedding was a video of a live performance. I copied and pasted that URL to be inserted in the presentation and Voila!

Check out this SlideShare Presentation by Juan Erick with additonal embedded youtube:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Town In Five Minutes by Juan Benedicto Jimenez Maya

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Juan Benedicto helped me to learn how to insert a ppt presentation into the blogger blog!

Thank you very much!

How To Add Power Point Presentations To Blogger

Dear Students,
I performed a search on Google for "how to insert a powerpoint to blogger." The following slideshare slideshow was one of the results.

I'll try to post some more of your presentations here as I receive them.

After you make a account, try it out! It's very easy.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

For Level 3 only, Unit on Fame!

Good Morning Level 3 Students! I wanted to share the e-mail I wrote to one of your classmates. Let me know if you have any questions. Try leaving a comment below.

I want you to make a blog at Tiene la opción en para acceder tu cuenta de google. Haz un blog y mándame su ubicación. Allí en el blog vas a continuar el diario como hiciste el semestre pasado.

El siguiente trabajo es escribir una biografía de un famoso. Cuenta la historia de una vida. A biography is the story of a life.

Debes de escoger alguien interesante a ti y que sea famoso. Puedes escribir de nuevo acerca de Johnny Depp.

En el blog quiero que hables del proceso de escribir su biografía. En donde sacaste la información? Como es llegaste a decidir que información ibas a incluir?

Ahora quiero que escribes 10 preguntas acerca de su persona y su vida. 10 preguntas de Wh- interrogativas.
What, Who, Why, When, Where, and How?
Para sumar:

1. Make a blog at When you finish, send me the URL address so I can check it out!

2. Write a biography of a famous person. This person should be interesting to you. Tell the story of their life.

Think about what makes a good, interesting story. Remember to simplify what you are writing to your level of English.

3. Blog about your writing process on your new blog.

Where did you find the information? Why did you chose certain parts of their life to include in the biography? Was this homework assignment difficult or easy for you? What did you learn?

4. Write 10 Wh-questions about your biography. What, When, Why, Who, Where, and How? Can you answer the questions? Can your friend answer the questions after reading your biography? Try it!

5. You can save your work to Google Docs. When you are finished with your work, copy and paste or insert the Google Doc into a new entry on your blog.

Have fun telling an interesting story!

- Eric

Monday, October 12, 2009

monday morning

Do you like Mondays? I don't. But it will be fun to get back into class.

Last week most of you started your Google Accounts - you made a Gmail address and e-mailed me with your new gmail address information.

This week, the students will be starting a blog.

Here is some class specific information for students in Level 1 and Level 3.

Level 3
Last week we talked about fame. What is fame? Why are people famous? Would you like to be famous? Why or why not?
What are the positives (good things) about being famous? What are the negatives (bad things) about being famous?

On Friday we were working on our biographies of famous people.

Today, Monday, we will finish writing the biographies and then write some questions to give to the readers of the biographies. These will be Wh-questions.
Remember, Wh-questions are asking for information. Wh-where, wh-what, wh-why, wh-who, wh-when, and how?
Write some Wh-questions about your biography and then give your biography to a partner to read. Can they answer the questions?

Level One
Last week we studied many things. The alphabet and greeting people were some topics we learned. We wrote a list of 5 phone numbers of our classmates. We took a listening test listening for spelling for names and phone numbers by digits.
We played a name game on Friday practicing on making statements using possessive adjectives, (my, your, his, her) about the names of people.
Today we will have a brief introduction to the verb be and practice making statements and contractions.

See you in class.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Gringo in Loma, First Entry!

Here is my first entry in the blog!
I am from the United States and I live and work in a small town in the Pineapple growing region of rural Oaxaca.
The town I live in is called Loma Bonita. Everyone just calls it ¨Loma¨.